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An Insight into tatpurush

tatpurush is an organization founded by the highly qualified health care professionals of various streams to promote the core healing values of ancient science of life for attaining a state of optimal health, longevity and wealth creation simultaneously.

tatpurush is a wellness and consumer products company set-up with the visions of creating awareness about invaluable Indian life science gems promoting and rediscovering true health for all.

Founding Values (सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः.)

Knowledge is said to be power worthy. However, knowledge when consciously implemented and practiced becomes fruit-bearing.

The traditional ancient knowledge of life science has been at our disposal for several thousand years. In our country, while western medicine form grew more popular, Life science and its therapeutic practices were being adopted globally, and now is looked as an effective and widely accepted alternative preventive healing form of medicine.

tatpurush Philosophy (सर्वे सन्तु निरामया)

With a mission to inculcate the best Health care practices in our everyday life, tatpurushis committed to take the effective & potent ancient science to the reach of every common man who has dreamed of PERFECTLY SOUND HEALTH.

tatpurush envisions to spread the miraculous knowledge of life science and life style to every household for empowering their lives. An awareness that with the right knowledge and care, you can harness nature's blessings found in rare & priceless herbs that can supplement our bodies to keep performing at its best and naturally stay youthful.

A Promise of Purity

tatpurush offers a promise of purity and high-potency in all its products. Formulated by our Health care experts. What you get in your hands in humble packaging is the life science marvel of nature, brought to you by the tatpurush Group.

By choosing our products, you can easily adopt life science in an easy & hassle-free manner and live up to its meaning - the science of longevity. Be rest assured that tatpurush ensures the safety of its products on stringent industry parameters safeguarding good health for you and your loved ones.

The Harmonious State of Balance

Ancient science of life is a study-based tradition that stimulates wellness by identifying the unique aspects of each individual.

Ayurveda teaches that each of our anatomies made from the five elements (Panchmahabhoot) combine uniquely to form one's individual Prakruti. It defines physiology in the terms of three integrated forces namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Whenever these three physiological constitutions suffer from any imbalance, the body falls sick. Ayurveda isn't just a discipline of medicine but also preaches to find a serene balance within our body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda says that a person in perfectly sound health experiences a harmonious state of balance within the body and mind. When the two are in perfect physiological sync, healing takes places.

An Incentive For Loyalty (parallel*)

By choosing thetatpurush product, you not only choose the power of life science but also generate an avenue to create income for you parallelly. tatpurush also offers commission on product sales (only). It’s a unique model to cut out the middleman from the cycle of sales and handover the profit margins to the customer himself.

tatpurush group truly believes in the ancient core values of life science and the purity of its rejuvenating healthcare range of products. Believing that goodness gets marketed faster by words, and genuine consumer followings, tatpurush chooses to cut out budgets on marketing and reward the loyalties of its customers.
