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Spirulina Capsules

Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on Earth. Spirulina

is the world's first superfood, and most nutrient-rich foods

on Earth.

It has between 55 and 70% protein (more than beef,

chicken, and soybeans), 9 essential and 10 non-essential

amino acids, as well as high levels of gamma-linolenic acid

(GLA), beta-carotene, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid,

vitamin B12, iron, calcium, phosphorus.

Spirulina is also a natural appetite suppressant, and it

helps to improve the body's digestive system. It also has

very powerful antioxidant properties and it helps to

balance the body's pH, thereby reducing inflammation

throughout the body in a safe and chemical-free way.

Spirulina provides a wide range of health benefits almost

immediately upon ingestion. It provides instant boost to

one's energy, while helping to improve endurance and

reduce fatigue. It helps improve the immune system, and

provides exceptional support for the heart, liver, and

kidneys. It is also a natural detoxifier, oxygenating the

blood, and helping cleanse the body of toxins and other

impurities that may be causing illness
